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Effective as of 20/08/2024


  1. Owner is completely responsible for ensuring their dog is up to date with their vaccinations, flea and tick treatments and de-wormer treatments

  2. Owner is solely responsible for any and all harm or damage caused by their dog while it is under the care of Pups N’ Walks, or is any other services provided by Pups N’ Walks, and agrees to indemnify Pups N’ Walks in full against any liability arising from such harm or damage to third parties. Pups N’ Walks is not held accountable for vet fees or third party claims whilst your dog is in our care

  3. Owner agrees that in booking a service/s, Pups N’ Walks has relied on the Owner’s representation that their dog is in good health and has not harmed or shown any types of aggression or threatening behaviour toward any person or other dogs. Failure on the part of the owner to disclose any matter which might render the owner's dog unsuitable for walking or pet sitting will be deemed a material omission amounting to a fundamental breach of our agreement. 

  4. We make every effort to contact the owner in the event of an emergency. We recommend owners provide us with a contact number of a trusted third party should we be unable to make contact. However, we reserve the right to make decisions regarding your dog’s health provided it is at all times acting in the best interests of the dog and on the advice of a veterinary surgeon. Owner is responsible for payment of any veterinary fees incurred by Pups N’ Walks.

  5. Booking: (Walking) Clients must ensure that their requirements for the following week are emailed or texted to us no later than Sunday evenings. (Sitting) We ask for a minimum of two-days notice prior to your proposed booking and a small deposit at the time of booking will be required to secure your place (25% of full stay). If the deposit is not sent at time of your booking, we are not able to guarantee your place. Pups N’ Walks staff have the obligation to accommodate to other clients needs, this means that our staff will be popping in and out during the day or taking your dog/s to our daycare group - we are unable to stay in the house for the entirety of the day due to other dogs needing our attention. By signing our client information form, you give written consent for us to access and stay in your home during the proposed booking period.

  6. Cancellations: (Walking) You may cancel your booked slot and provided you give a minimum of 24-hours notice, you will not be charged. However, if cancellation is made within 24-hours of the walk commencing, please see the attached sheet to see our cancellation fee (Sitting) We require a minimum of four-days notice to cancel. The deposit is non - refundable. Failure to do so will result in 25% of the stay payable. Once boarding commences, full payment is due under any circumstances and is non-refundable.

  7. Charges:  (Walking) Charges are as advertised on our price  page. Please visit the price page section on our website to view them fully. Please be aware that our rates are very competitive and are not negotiable. (Sitting)  Charges are per 12 hours/ 24 hours, this applies from when our staff arrives to when our staff leaves. (Invoicing) We keep an accurate record of customers bookings and text customers with their account balances, if customers require an invoice we are more than happy to provide this.

  8. Termination Policy: Owner and Pups N’ Walks agree to give one week’s written notice to cancel the agreement.

  9. Flexibility is required:  (1) We are fully insured to walk up to six dogs at a time. Whilst every effort is made to have walks one-to-one, sometimes your dog will be walked with other friendly dogs.  (2) Your booked time is estimated only and whilst we make every effort to arrive at the time given, depending on road conditions and unforeseen circumstances, please allow approximately 30 minutes after your booked time slot for Pups N Walks staff to attend. In adverse weather conditions please understand that we are still open and may be slightly delayed. If however, we are more than two hours overdue then Pups N’ Walks will refund 50% of the walk.

  10. Pups N’ Walks do offer services where dogs are walked in groups and Owner accepts that during the course of normal dog play their dog may sustain injuries. All dog play is carefully monitored to avoid injury, but scratches, punctures, torn ligaments, or other injuries may occur despite the best supervision.

  11. Pups N’ Walks will only let dogs off the lead once an ‘off the lead consent form’ has been signed, and will remain at the discretion of Pups N’ Walks staff.

  12. Owner accepts that even though their dog is vaccinated against Bordetella (Kennel Cough), there is a chance that their dog can still contract Kennel Cough. Owner agrees that they will not hold Pups N’ Walks responsible if their dog contracts Kennel Cough while attending.

  13. Owner agrees to take any necessary measures or precautions to ensure that their dog is continuously free of contagious, infectious, or otherwise communicable diseases. Owner further agrees to notify Pups N’ Walks immediately of any infectious and/or contagious disease or conditions their dog has been exposed to or is affected by. Such diseases and conditions include, but are not limited to: Distemper, Hepatitis, Kennel Cough (Bordetella), Parvovirus, Coronavirus, worms, Lyme disease, Fleas, Pregnancy, Infectious Skin Diseases and Intestinal Parasites. Pups N’ Walks reserves the right to refuse admission until satisfied that the condition is resolved.

  14. Owner consents to their dog being photographed, videotaped, and/or used in any media or advertising by Pups N’ Walks without prior approval. All such media remain the property of Pups N’ Walks.

  15. Owner agrees that Pups N’ Walks is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged leads, collars, tags, clothing or any other item left with their dog.

  16. Owner agrees to ensure their dog has not eaten in the hour before pick up by Pups N’ Walks to ensure sufficient time to digest food before any exercise or play. Failure to do so may result in the potentially life-threatening condition Bloat (Gastric Torsion).

  17. Owner agrees to provide keys/arrange access to the dog for the agreed appointment; failure to do so will result in a cancellation for that day’s service and will be paid in full by the owner .

  18. Pups N’ Walks do not allow owners to record our staff under the Human Rights Act 1998. If the owner does not comply with this, Pups N Walks staff that are pet sitting or in the premises for more than 24 Hours are able to unplug/ switch off any camera. 

  19. ​Pups N’ Walks are not responsible for anything after we leave the property. The owner takes full responsibility for any issues after Pups N’ Walks staff leave their property. Pups N’ Walks will not refund any money or reimburse anything after we have finished our services and left the property.

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